Conversion Optimization

The Ultimate Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization Research

Imagine spending lots of money on driving traffic to your website… only to find that the traffic doesn’t convert. It’s a nightmare situation, but for many of us, it’s the grim...

Aljaz Fajmut
Conversion Optimization

Case Study: 15 SaaS Companies Using Proof to Boost Conversions

Across the board, SaaS companies struggle with converting website visitors into qualified leads, product demo registrees, and new users. And it’s not just small, new-to-market...

Austin Distel

10 A/B Tests We Launched to Optimize Our Own Proof Campaigns

You’ve probably heard the merits of A/B testing for quite a while — it seems to be one of those topics that digital marketers just can’t seem to stop yapping about. But that’s...

Ben Johnson
Lead Generation

Why Personalized Content is the New Standard in Marketing

Consumers get savvier every year, and it’s not always easy to grab their attention. That’s a big reason why the web is moving toward increasing levels of personalized content....

Drew Housman

The Birth Of “Customer Powered Marketing”

Your startup can be obsessed with a lot of different things. You can be competitor obsessed, culture obsessed, investor obsessed, and even ping-pong obsessed. At Proof, we want...

Dave Rogenmoser

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