Conversion Optimization

Conversion Optimization

Case Study: How We Increased Conversion Rate 53% Using “Hot Streaks”

Holy Conversions Batman! The Results are in! An increased conversion rate is what we live for at Proof. We test, we tweak, we iterate. Yet, most of the feature updates we create...

Dave Rogenmoser
Conversion Optimization

70 Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for a Crazy Conversion Increase

Looking for a way to instantly boost your conversion rate? We found 68. Software can be both a blessing and a curse. It’s supposed to make your life easier, but sometimes, there...

Ben Johnson
Conversion Optimization

Increase Conversion Rate With These Bizarre Pricing Strategies

You are charging your customers the wrong price, and it’s hurting your ability to increase the conversion rate on your website and maximize your sales. And no, I’m not talking...

Dave Rogenmoser

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